CD-ROM Drives.. many have requested that AMUG provide a group buy on CD-ROM drives. At present several CD ROM manufactors are sending us drives for evaluation and we hope to be able to bring our selection to the membership in the coming months. It appears pricing will be in the $400-$500 area as of this date. Reviews will appear in a future AMUG News along with an order form for those interested and a list of alternatives.
In the coming months we have many events planned.
• On June 21, 1990 AMUG will host Mainstay, Ceres Software and MicroTV. Mainstay will show their Screen Capture product and other tools. Ceres Software will show us their latest thought processor and Micro TV will show live TV on your Mac screen. Our meeting starts at 7:00PM in Phoenix at the Howard Johnson Hotel.
• On July 19, 1990 our main AMUG meeting will feature Aldus with PageMaker 4.0, DeltaPoint with Delta Graph a new exciting 3D graphing program, and Traveling Software with LapLink for connecting Mac's and IBM. This should be a very informative meeting and we look forward to these great presentations. This
meeting will be at 7:00PM in Phoenix at the Howard Johnson